Even though I’ve never been to Vietnam, I can tell a good pho from a bad one. I’ve been to Thailand, but the experience didn’t add to my ability to distinguish a good tom yum from a bad one. I did, of course, finally learn to detect whether or not the soup was authentic, but this is only…
Super pho in Buda: Hai Nam pho
2015.04.23. 18:35 | Gergő Helpers
Tags: gastro pho vietnamese
Budapest’s best restaurant tried and tested
2015.04.22. 19:44 | Gergő Helpers
[The original Hungarian article was posted on July 30, 2014]
I was shoveling frozen French fries and a fairly tasteless chunk of breaded meat into my face in the third best restaurant in Frankfurt when I began to have serious doubts about Tripadvisor’s top list. The idea behind the top list is…
Tags: gastro
This is the place for sausages and other succulent delights: Őshonos
2015.04.21. 12:20 | Gergő Helpers
The good news is that a new store, Őshonos, recently opened on Radnóti utca where you can pig out on all manner of succulent delights – specially seasoned sausages, bacons, cheeses and nostalgic saveloys and frankfurters.
Őshonos was created by Sándor Kerekes, the Hungarian Grey cattle…
Tags: meat gastro ham hungarian cuisine
Spas in Budapest: the list
2015.04.20. 12:09 | Gergő Helpers
We have been trying out spas since February, and floating in hot thermal water has made it much easier to bear the otherwise not terribly severe winter this year. We checked out seven places run by Budapest Spa, and it’s now time to summarize our findings.
We started with Király Spa, one of the…
Tags: fun budapest tourist city spa toplist
Fantastic Mediterranean party place with eats to open in Budapest: Mazel Tov
2015.04.19. 17:43 | Gergő Helpers
There are places that are definitely missing in Budapest, but you don’t realize it until they aren’t missing anymore. Deep within the recesses of my mind I’ve always thought that Budapest could really use a bright, well-designed cultural entertainment center with a Mediterranean atmosphere –…
Tags: fun gastro