In Central Budapest, you’ll find a square that’s been revived from the dead, so to speak. In the past, it had one of the worst reputations in the city, but these days it’s being rediscovered as a place where new and old architecture stand side-by-side in harmony. Rákóczi Square contains…
Exploring Budapest’s most exciting square: Part III - Oinos
2015.08.26. 16:41 | Gergő Helpers
Tags: gastro italian neighborhoods rákóczi square
Exploring Budapest’s most exciting square: Part II - Csiga
2015.06.26. 12:54 | Gergő Helpers
In Central Budapest, you’ll find a square that’s been revived from the dead, so to speak. In the past, it had one of the worst reputations in the city, but these days it’s being rediscovered as a place where new and old architecture stand side-by-side in harmony. Rákóczi Square contains…
Tags: pub gastro neighborhoods rákóczi square
Exploring Budapest’s most exciting square: Part I
2015.06.02. 12:06 | Gergő Helpers
So which one am I thinking of when I say Budapest’s most exciting square? Here it is:
And why is this Budapest’s most exciting square? Because when they filled in the giant hole they dug for the Metro 4 station construction works and removed the graffiti-covered plywood sheets that…
Tags: gastro city neighborhoods rákóczi square