Nowadays Budapest is really lively, regarding to the hamburgers, although we have to say it is always lively. In the last weeks several new burger places had their grand openings. According to Adam, there is one, which could easily be on our top list: for this we must have the same opinion so soon I…
Jack’s Burger: Hungarian burger for the world domination
2015.02.24. 08:04 | boussa
Tags: budapest gastro go-out premium fast food
Spíler: Ruin pub 2.0 in downtown
2013.04.16. 09:13 | boussa
There are places which become simply successful. There's nothing to do with quality, because there are several great competitors and nobody cares about them, until someone turns the spotlight on them.Quality is important but that's not all. You need a good concept, loads of money to advertise the…
Tags: gastro premium fast food hungarian cuisine
After the brilliant soups come the brilliant pastas: Pasta.
2013.03.20. 10:51 | anoushka
Pasta pont (=Pasta point), is how you pronounce it. It was created by the same group as Leves. (=Soup.), a place that practically revolutionized our culinary habits, especially among the university students. As a result of no more than one article we wrote about them, long lines were queuing on the…
Tags: gastro premium fast food