Here’s the newest in our series on Rákoczi Square. In the past, it had one of the worst reputations in the city, but these days it’s being rediscovered as a place where new and old architecture stand side-by-side in harmony. Rákóczi Square contains everything that makes District VIII…
The market hall where wine pours from the walls
2015.09.04. 09:26 | Gergő Helpers
Tags: market gastro city
An evening market with the country’s best salami
2015.05.06. 11:13 | Gergő Helpers
The Central Passage is great most days of the week because if you put on your noise-cancelling earphones and walk along it with your back to Király Street, you can discover what Budapest would look like after being ravaged by zombies.
It is a newly built house that sits empty and abandoned right…
Tags: market gastro culture
A market where you can’t go wrong
2015.04.13. 10:07 | Gergő Helpers
I wrote a post recently /Hungarian site/ about the newly renovated Hunyadi Square. I also mentioned the market, but I didn’t provide any details. But now I have to. This is going to be my regular hangout.
In the first place, it’s got atmosphere. This is the closest outdoor market to the…
Tags: gas market gastro bacon honey hunyadi square