She might be young, but fashion designer Szandra Sándor has been making waves in the industry for the past ten years. By the time her name became widely known in Hungary, her designs were already popular in New York, Los Angeles and Madrid, and celebrities such as Charlize Theron, Selma Blair and…
International Success Stories from Budapest: Nanushka
2015.07.13. 14:23 | Gergő Helpers
Tags: cult city
Angus beef arrives at Zing!
2015.07.10. 09:41 | Gergő Helpers
Ever since we first discovered them, one of our favorite burger places in the city has been Zing. This needs no explanation, judging from how busy they get during the day. Their concept is quite straightforward: good quality ingredients, carefully selected importers, a little experimentation with…
Tags: gastro
A delightful jazz bar in an exciting building - Opus Jazz Club
2015.07.06. 09:55 | Gergő Helpers
The Budapest Music Center is one of the most exciting experiments in recent years. A none-too-original neo-classical building was renovated in such a way that it was given a new sense of balance and purpose. The building’s corner was removed and in its place a glass and metal structure was…
Meals by one of Budapest’s most famous refugees - Begum All Modina
2015.07.02. 12:38 | Gergő Helpers
World Refugee Day was on June 20th. To mark the occasion, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees launched a billboard campaign to promote awareness. Four refugees who came to Hungary are introduced through the billboards. These individuals love the country where they now live and work. By…
Tags: indian gastro refugee bangladeshi