Those who have walked along Király Street in recent weeks have probably come across this: Or, from a closer angle: Yes, we’re talking about a café and bicycle in one, or rather, a mobile coffee shop. They ride over here at 9 in the morning and sit around until 5 in the afternoon, when they…
Petit Café – what it would be like if food carts caught on in Budapest
2015.08.13. 16:06 | Gergő Helpers
Pörc: The necktied butcher
2015.08.10. 11:58 | Gergő Helpers
To be honest, I wanted to write this post back in the winter when Pörc, which is originally from Balatonkenese, first appeared in Budapest. The place was famous for selling quality cuts of meat in an area not exactly famous for quality ingredients (even though they produce some excellent…
The costume designer who makes me love buying clothes for my wife
2015.08.02. 19:18 | Gergő Helpers
Fashion is not a topic that we really discuss on the blog. Part of the reason for this is that we can’t say we’re all that knowledgeable about it, not to mention that we’re men, and the picture below pretty much illustrates everything we know about the topic: In contrast to this, women are…